Tag: online classes

Blog, European, Greek, Mains, Recipe

Moussaka, and how to make it

It’s one of those dishes that is infamous; Moussaka, and it’s more than ‘meats’ the eye. A layered bake with panfried aubergines/eggplants, a rich tomato meat sauce, and topped with a gorgeously cheesy Béchamel sauce, and it’s super easy when you know how to make it. Moussaka will cast its spell over you, and that’s not […]

American, Blog, British, European, French, Greek, Recipe, Spanish

ChefPassport Online Cooking Events

Previously, here on LPaG, we’ve posted content on our online education partners ChefPassport. In the coming weeks, they’re holding a variety of mixers, called ChefPassport Online Cooking Events. These live streaming cooking classes are a fantastic way to not just learn to cook, but also to stay connected with family and friends. But more than […]

Blog, Uncategorized

Learn to Cook Online with ChefPassport

While much of the world is in #LockDown and isolation, it’s a great opportunity to take the time to Learn to Cook Online with ChefPassport. With a dedicated team to support your learning experience, there has never been a better time to master some culinary arts from the comfort of your own home. Chef Kit, […]