Tag: France

American, Americas, Basics, Blog, European, French, Mains, Recipe

Beef Bourguignon & Chocolate Pudding

Welcome to this week’s blog post: beef Bourguignon and Chocolate self-saucing Pudding! Both of these recipes are absolute family favourites, as they’re easy to make and taste incredible! As the days are getting shorter, and the nights colder and longer, you’ll have the perfect opportunity to enjoy them all! We’ll be cooking these recipes on […]

American, Americas, Antipodes, Australian, Basics, Blog, British, Canadian, European, Italian, Mains, New Zealand, Recipe, Sides, Snacks, Soups

Perfect Soup for Autumn

It’s Autumn here, and it’s the perfect weather for soup! This week’s class over on Eventbrite (grab a ticket if you haven’t already, it’s FREE!) is focusing on three great soups: a Roasted Tomato, Caramelised Butternut, and our popular French Onion soup. Making soup is really easy. You don’t need a lot of fancy equipment, […]